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Free software workshops. Discussing tech and politics, fixing computers and revive old laptops, free and opensource software workshops.

We are a group of people who like to talk about Anarchism and technology, critizing our approach to it. We organize workshops, or just an excuse to meet together, regarding free software with a anti-capitalist approach. We would like to show you how to do things you like with software that you can study, share and modify as you like. We are doing this because we like it, we don't see one euro and when we do, we donate it to who is hosting us. You'll find us around occupied places or social centers like Joe's garage and the hackerspace Lag. We believe knowledge should be free, resources should not be wasted, our data should be ours and that technology should improve society and not serve the interests of commercial companies. We are also a bit paranoid. If you have energies to share what you know about free software feel free to come and organize a little talk/workshop. We are based in Amsterdam.

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At your favorite squat and hackerspace or on #proxycafe at irc-indymedia-org. 2022